Word Finder
If you play Scrabble, Words With Friends, Text Twist, Jumble or any game where unscrambling scrambled letters is a main part of the game, then our unscramble word cheat
is a must have. Our word finder will unscramble letters, unscramble words, multiple words, phrases, and even sentences!
Our free word unscrambler has several options:
- Customize your search by choosing the starting letter, ending letter or letters contained within your letters
- Choose the length of the words you want in your unscrambled word results.
- Our word finder searches all Enable, TWL & SOWPODS dictionaries to find all words.
- You can enter up to 2 question marks for blank tiles.
Choose which dictionary you want to use when you unscramble the words. You will be given the points, the meaning and the games that the word is playable in.
Select Scrabble from the dictionary list and receive all the help you could ever need in the game of Scrabble. After you find the perfect word to play, you can enhance your vocabulary by finding out the meaning of each word.
Using the advanced options, you can select words that contain "Z" and find all the high value letters you want.
Also, you can choose the length and find only 2 letter words, 3 letter words, 4 letter words, and so on... This is very useful if you are trying to fit a Scrabble word in a tight spot!
Try our Scrabble Word Finder and you will win every game of Scrabble, guaranteed!
Although Words With Friends & Words With Friends 2 are similar in many ways, they do have some major differences.
For one, they use a completely different set of words. Words With Friends is based off the ENABLE dictionary, while Scrabble uses the TWL and SOWPODS dictionaries. So a Scrabble cheat may not necessarily work for WWF, vice versa.
They are both 15 x 15, but the bonuses are laid out completely different on each board.
Try our Words With Friends Word Finder and you will win every game of Scrabble, guaranteed!
Here are a few tips to win every game ofScrabble, Words With Friends, Text Twist & more.
- Score high points by remembering all 2 letter words
- Attempt to block your opponents next move whenever possible.
- If all else fails, ask for help or use our Word Finder